Debt Ceiling Ridiculousness

Posted: June 1, 2023 | Categories: Ridiculousness

It's the morning after the House passed the debt ceiling bill we need to keep the country from going into default on its debts. I knew we'd come to an agreement, but there is still no guarantee it will pass the Senate. As I read articles online and listen to the news shows, I'm continuously struck by the hypocrisy of the Republican party.

This debt ceiling crisis was all about paying for the stuff that the Republican-led Government put in place while Trump was president. To argue against paying for this stuff is just hypocrisy.

And, during that same Republican-led Government, the Republicans implemented tax cuts for the rich that actually reduced our ability our ability to generate the funds we need to pay for everything.

On top of that, Republicans repeatedly vote against funding the IRS so the agency has the resources (including updated system software) needed to process US taxpayers tax returns and ANSWER THE PHONE when taxpayers need help with their tax returns and payments. Even more hypocrisy.

They stand in front of a bank of microphones demanding fiscal responsibility while at the same time actively hampering the government agency that, with the necessary means, will ensure the government has more revenue than it does today. It just makes no sense.

I agree that we need a balanced budget and that increasing the debt ceiling is NOT the solution. Congress need to implement serious spending reform and get this under control, but they're way too busy worrying about how to get re-elected instead of doing what's right for America and Americans.

This whole thing sickens me.

As long as politicians are more interested in partisan politics, making their biggest donors pay smaller tax bills, and staying in office so they can line their pockets nothing's going to change. They'll continue to punt on fiscal responsibility (while yelling about it at the top of their lungs in a debt crisis), closing gun ownership loopholes and improving mental health care options for Americans (both of which saves American lives from random gun violence), and real immigration reform (which will actually end the border 'crisis').

This has to stop and I'm making it my goal to do so as your President.